Automotive Technology

Your Career As An Automotive Technician
Students working on a car 1). Are you highly motivated? A self-starter with desire for advancement?
2). Do you enjoy a challenging job, with rapidly changing technology to keep you on your toes and learning all the time?
3). Would you like to have more control over your income?
4). Does a job that is virtually inflation and downsize proof interest you?

If you answer yes to the above, a career as an Automotive Technician may be for you.

The job market for automotive technicians is wide open. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics says 35,000 technicians are needed, by dealerships, right now to service today’s vehicles. Every dealer could use an average of 2 technicians, which is double that of a year ago. When the needs of independent and chain repair facilities are added to that the number increases to over 100,000. In South Carolina alone it is estimated that 2 to 5,000 technicians are currently needed. This need is growing each year as the number of vehicles on the road and the complexity increases.

Today’s automotive technicians have to possess skills on par with a computer programmer. The average wage for an entry level technician in South Carolina is between $20 and 25,000, which is on par with a 4 year college graduate with an business degree. Experienced technicians average between $35 and 50,000 a year, with some specialists, such as transmission and drivability technicians, making substantially more. As a technicians skills, accuracy and speed improve so does their opportunity for increased earnings.
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